Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If you haven't noticed, I haven't posted anything in a while. Work is crazy busy and it is interfering with my social life/reading time. So while I am here, I will let you know a few of my obsessions while not at work:

1. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer - I know these books are supposed to be for teens but they are so fucking good!!! I don't care if I sound like a complete dork. I am reading Eclipse now so no one tell me what happens. I will discuss all of this once I have finished Breaking Dawn, which at the rate I am going will be next week.

2. Mad Men - I LOVE this show! If I were living in that time I have decided that I would have been the most like Joan. And Pete is smarmy but I like him, but not as much as Don Draper. He is so complex and mysterious that I wouldn't even have cared if he was someone else. But for some strange reason I love Roger Sterling, he is so freaking hot even though he has white hair.

3. Augusten Burroughs - He is so smart and funny and I adore his books. I have read Running With Scissors and Dry, and am on Possible Side Effects now. He has gone through so much yet is not bitter about any of it and I commend him for that.

4. 30 Rock and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - 30 Rock returns this week, HORRAY!!! Oh how I missed you Liz Lemon. BTW, I am going as Tina Fey for the Halloween Party this weekend. I already wear the dark rimmed glasses, jeans and Converses anyway. Way too easy! Sunny has to be my favorite comedy. It's so fresh and politically incorrect and slightly retarded, but it's also endearing. Wildcard bitches!!!

So, I have shared mine...what are you obsessing over lately???


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, obsession seems like such a strong word. Obviously, It's Always Sunny and I know I need to get into 30 Rock, but I have such a hard time having to be in a place at a certain time. And yes, I do have Tivo but I am just trying not to get caught up (lame I know). Other than that, I just started Crossfit two weeks ago so I'm trying deal with constantly sore and having to learn so many new movements. Oh, and Halloween - a bunch of friends are coming over and we're putting together a haunted house for the neighborhood kids. Already spent way too much money but it's always worth it.

Agent Elle said...

Everyone seems to love Twilight right now. I have the book in hardback but have never got round to reading it. So you've just persuaded me :)

Obsessions? Hmm...

Desperate Housewives - I know I'm a bit late but I caught an episode accidentally recently and got hooked. So I'm planning on renting the whole lot and watching it from episode 1.

NerdBoy - enough said.